Day 18

Day/HourAuthorDocument Name
18 / 09h00D. José Tolentino MendonçaThe younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country
where he squandered his inheritance in a life of dissipation
18 / 09h00Helena e Paul McCloskeyIntroduction and Presentation
18 / 09h30Françoise e Rémi GausselIntroduction to the Session on Father Caffarel
18 / 09h30Tó e Zé Moura SoaresTimeliness of Father Caffarel’s Thought
18 / 09h30Father Paul-Dominique Marcovits, o.p. e Jean AllemandFather Caffarel
18 / 09h30Marie d’Amonville Marie d’Amonville’s Talk
18 / 09h30Father Angelo PaleriCommunication on the State of Advancement
of the Cause for Canonisation of Father Henri Caffarel
18 / 12h30Constanza e Alberto AlvaradoDevelopment and internationalisation
of Teams of Our Lady